Socialization of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Socialization of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016)

Socialization of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016)

December 14, 2015 | Other Activities

BPS - Statistics of Malinau Regency held a socialization related to their upcoming Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) at Intulun meeting room on Monday, December 7, 2015. The event is intended to promote the activities of the Economic Census which is a major activity of BPS held once ten years. This event was attended by Vice Regent of Malinau Regency, Topan Amrullah, along with the leaders of governmental office in Malinau, headmaen of the villages in the Malinau Kota district, as well as leaders of companies and banks operating in Malinau.

Economic census which is held simultaneously in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia at 1 until May 31, 2016 aiming to get an overview of the structure of the economy outside the agricultural sector as a cornerstone of policy formulation and national and regional development planning. Standing as the main speaker is the Head of the Statistics of Malinau Regency, Hotbel Purba. He explained that the Economic Census 2016 working area will be divided into four categories, namely urban area with concentration of economic activity, urban area with no concentration, rural area with concentration, and rural area with no consentration that each region has its own enumeration percentage. "In 2016, the Economic Census enumeration will be conducted thoroughly to urban areas which are the concentration areas of economic activity, for example in Malinau Kota District, but in rural areas with little economic activity that would have taken 25 percent only" He  said.

On this occasion, he asked for support of the local government, from the district level to the smallest as well as the contribution of perpetrators of economic activity so that SE2016 can run smoothly and can produce a reliable database as a cornerstone of policy formulation and development planning, both nationally and in Malinau Regency,

At the ending of the event, Head of the Statistics of Malinau Regency present the poster of SE2016 symbolically to Hendri Damus, as the Caretaker of Chief of Staff Regent Office of Malinau Regency.

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