Internalization of BPS Core Values - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Internalization of BPS Core Values

Internalization of BPS Core Values

September 8, 2021 | Other Activities

On Wednesday (8/9/2021), the Head of BPS for North Kalimantan Province, Mrs. Tina Wahyufitri S.Si, M.Si held a working visit to the BPS Kab. Malinau. On the first day, Mrs. Tina delivered material on BPS core values to all BPS Kab. Malinau. Furthermore, BPS employees were asked to write down 3 goals for the next three years on a sheet of paper and then BPS Kab. Malinau flew the paper together. It is hoped that these goals can be realized in the next three years. . In addition, a water relay game was also held and a quiz was given about BPS strategic data. Employees who can answer the quiz correctly will be given prizes, while employees who are not lucky have the opportunity to stand up and sing the Mars Statistics song together with other employees . Thank you to Mrs. Tina for sharing her knowledge with BPS Kab. Malinau 🙏🏻
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