Farmer Terms of Trade (FTT) in September 2022 was 108.34 or increase 0,42 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Farmer Terms of Trade (FTT) in September 2022 was 108.34 or increase 0,42 percent

Release Date : October 24, 2022
File Size : 2.65 MB


  • Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) is the ratio of the price index received by farmers (It) to the index of price paid by farmers (Ib).
  • NTP is one indicator to see the level of ability/purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. NTP also shows the terms of trade (terms of trade) of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
  • The NTP of North Kalimantan Province in September 2022 was 108.34 or up 0.42 percent compared to the FTT in August 2022. The increase in FTT was caused by changes in the Price Index Received by Farmers (It) which was higher than the Price Index Paid by Farmers (Ib).
  • NTP per sub-sector of North Kalimantan Province September 2022, namely the Exchange Rate of Food Crops Farmers (NTPP) of 95.81; Horticultural Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTPH) of 101.57; Farmer's Exchange Rate for People's Plantation Plants (NTPR) is 153.21; Livestock Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPT) of 103.87; and the Exchange Rate of Fishermen and Fish Cultivators (NTNP) of 104.15.
  • The North Kalimantan Province Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in September 2022 was 110.31, down 0.70 percent compared to the previous month's NTUP.
  • In September 2022, there was an increase in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in North Kalimantan by 0.07 percent, which was caused by an increase in the transportation index by 2.47 percent.

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