In January 2022, Kalimantan Utara Province experienced inflation of 0.47 percent, Calendar Inflation of 0.47 percent and year-on-year inflation of 3.82 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Malinau | Melayani Permintaan Data, Konsultasi Statistik, Rekomendasi Kegiatan StatistikJl. Pusat Pemerintahan, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara
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In January 2022, Kalimantan Utara Province experienced inflation of 0.47 percent, Calendar Inflation of 0.47 percent and year-on-year inflation of 3.82 percent.

Release Date : February 17, 2022
File Size : 3.96 MB


  • Of the 90 Municipalities monitored by the national CPI, in January 2022, 85 Municipalities experienced inflation and 5 other Municipalities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was found in Sibolga Municipality at 1.53 percent while the lowest inflation occurred in Manokwari Municipality at 0.02 percent. The highest deflation was in Kotamobagu Municipality at -0.66 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in Jayapura Municipality at -0.04 percent.
  • Kalimantan Utara Province (combined Tarakan and Tanjung Selor Municipality) in January 2022 experienced inflation of 0.47 percent. Tarakan Municipality experienced inflation of 0.25 percent and Tanjung Selor Municipality experienced inflation of 1.35 percent.
  • Inflation in Kalimantan Utara Province (combined Tarakan and Tanjung Selor Municipality) was influenced by an increase in the index in the health group by 1.31 percent, in the transportation group by 1.05 percent, in the equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group by 0.94 percent, housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 0.89 percent, personal care and other services group by 0.53 percent, food, beverage and tobacco group by 0.19 percent, recreation, sports and culture group by 0. 15 percent, clothing and footwear group 0.02 percent, food and beverage/restaurant supply group 0.01 percent and education group 0.00 percent. Meanwhile, the group that experienced a decline in the index was the information, communication and financial services group by -0.08 percent.
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