Launch of the Beautiful Village Program in Pulau Sapi Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Launch of the Beautiful Village Program in Pulau Sapi Village

Launch of the Beautiful Village Program in Pulau Sapi Village

August 29, 2024 | Other Activities

The Malinau Regency BPS, in collaboration with the Malinau Regency Government Communication and Informatics Office, has launched the Beautiful Village Program (Love Statistics) in Pulau Sapi Village, Mentarang District on Thursday (August 29). This Beautiful Village Program, with a focus on Pulau Sapi Village, aims to nurture, develop, and enhance the competencies of village officials in understanding and utilizing statistics, particularly in village development planning.

The Beautiful Village of Pulau Sapi was declared by the Malinau Regent through the Head of the Communication and Informatics Office, who expressed hopes for better village development through data-based planning and for this program to run smoothly as part of Indonesia's development implementation from peripheral areas.

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