Appointment of Civil Servants and Functional Officers in the Malinau Regency BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Appointment of Civil Servants and Functional Officers in the Malinau Regency BPS

Appointment of Civil Servants and Functional Officers in the Malinau Regency BPS

February 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Malinau, February 12, 2024 - The Malinau Regency BPS conducted the appointment and oath-taking ceremony for Civil Servants (PNS) and Functional Officers of BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency. The ceremony was led by the Head of the Malinau Regency BPS, Mr. Yanuar Dwi Cristyawan, SST.

The appointed employees are Mr. Daniel Dian Pratama Siburian, S.Tr.Stat, and Daniel Novendri Situmorang, S.Tr.Stat, as Junior Statisticians at the Malinau Regency BPS. Congratulations and best wishes to the newly appointed employees of BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency. May they fulfill their duties with integrity and work towards achieving their goals.

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