Exports Through Ports in Kalimantan Utara Province totaling US$ 215.13 million, Imports of US$ 5.58 million, and the Export-Import Trade Balance in November 2021 of US$ 209.55 million in Kalimantan Utara Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Exports Through Ports in Kalimantan Utara Province totaling US$ 215.13 million, Imports of US$ 5.58 million, and the Export-Import Trade Balance in November 2021 of US$ 209.55 million in Kalimantan Utara Province

Release Date : January 3, 2022
File Size : 0.85 MB


  • In November 2021, total commodity exports through the port in Kalimantan Utara Province reached US$ 215.13 million, an increase of 3.57 percent compared to November 2021 which reached US$ 207.73 million.
  • The import value of Kalimantan Utara Province in November 2021 reached US$ 5.58 million or an increase of 30.98 percent compared to imports in October 2021.
  • The trade balance of Kalimantan Utara Province in November 2021 was a surplus of US$ 209.55 million, an increase of 2.99 percent when compared to the trade balance in October 2021 which had a surplus of US$ 203.47 million.
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