The Open Unemployment Rate (UR) in Kalimantan Utara is 4.67 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Malinau | Melayani Permintaan Data, Konsultasi Statistik, Rekomendasi Kegiatan StatistikJl. Pusat Pemerintahan, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara
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The Open Unemployment Rate (UR) in Kalimantan Utara is 4.67 percent

Release Date : May 6, 2021
File Size : 0.51 MB


  • The number of workers in Kalimantan Utara in February 2021 reached 349,904 people, a decrease of 1,993 people compared to the workforce in February 2020 (351,897 people).
  • The number of people working in Kalimantan Utara in February 2021 reached 333,561 people, an increase of 1,766 people compared to the situation in February 2020 (331,795 people).
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (UR) in Kalimantan Utara in February 2021 reached 4.67 percent or as many as 16,343 people, experiencing a decrease compared to the UR in February 2020 which amounted to 5.71 percent (20,102 people).
  • In February 2021, the population generally worked in the agricultural business field (A) by 31.59 percent, followed by trade (G) by 16.27 percent and Government Administration (O) by 8.47 percent.
  • In February 2021, as many as 103,862 people (31.14 percent) worked less than 35 hours per week, while the population worked 35 hours or more per week (including those who were temporarily unemployed) reaching 229,699 people (68.86 percent).
  • There are 52,952 people affected by Covid-19. Consisting of unemployment due to Covid-19 (2,576 people), not the Labor Force because of Covid-19 (892 people), temporarily unemployed due to Covid-19 (3,441) and working residents who experience reduced working hours due to Covid-19 ( 46,043 people).
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