Data Needs Survey BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Data Needs Survey BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency

Data Needs Survey BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency

May 21, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency, as one of the public service providers that supplies data and statistical information, continuously strives to deliver excellent service to its consumers.

BPS has regularly conducted the Data Needs Survey (SKD) each year, aimed at assessing consumer satisfaction with BPS data services and identifying data needs as well as consumer satisfaction with the quality of data produced by BPS.

Based on the SKD for the first quarter of 2024, the Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) recorded a score of 95.37, indicating that the quality of service provided by BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency falls into the "very good" category.

The Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) reached 98.13, showing that anti-corruption behavior has been implemented "very well."

The complete results of the SKD for BPS-Statistics of Malinau Regency the first quarter of 2024 can be accessed at

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