Coordination of the Desa Cantik Program Work Team with OPD Malinau - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malinau Regency

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Coordination of the Desa Cantik Program Work Team with OPD Malinau

Coordination of the Desa Cantik Program Work Team with OPD Malinau

March 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

Thursday (25/3/2021), in order to conduct sectoral statistical coaching with the Desa Cantik program (Desa Cinta Statistik), the Desa Cantik program work team from BPS Kab. Malinau coordinated with several related OPDs. The purpose of this coordination is to obtain information, suggestions and input regarding any problems or obstacles that occur in the village.

This coordination is directed by the Head of BPS Kab. Malinau Bapak Supriyanto SST, and accompanied by two coordinators of the Desa Cantik program work team. The OPDs that the working team visited today were the Regional Development Planning Agency and Research and Development Agency, the Communication and Informatics Office, and the Community and Village Empowerment Service.

Several suggestions and input were given so that the development of the Desa Cantik program could be right on target towards one Indonesian data.

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