Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Malinau | Melayani Permintaan Data, Konsultasi Statistik, Rekomendasi Kegiatan StatistikJl. Pusat Pemerintahan, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara Hari Senin-Kamis (08:00 hingga 15:30 WITA) | Hari Jum'at (08:00 hingga 16:00 WITA)
89th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony
October 27, 2017 | Other Activities
Today, Statistics of Malinau Regency just held the 89th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony with theme "Pemuda Indonesia Berani Bersatu" (T/N: Indonesian youth dare to unite). This ceremony is a gratitude to Indonesian youth who gave a contribution in the Youth Pledge. We should follow their steps and their courage to be able in carving a golden history of the nation.